Frontier Poetry Announces Deadline for Its Annual Chapbook Contest


From Frontier Poetry:

Chapbooks are a huge milestone for emerging poets, and we’re always looking forward to the Frontier Digital Chapbook Contest—where we get to find that one electric bundle of poems that rocks our world in less than 30 pages.

The winner of the FDCC will receive $2000 and publication of the free, downloadable chapbook on Frontier. Most exciting of all: the chapbook will also be distributed to tens of thousands of readers, influencers, editors, agents, and magazines through our newsletter. Don’t underestimate the power of this reach to empower your career as a poet.

Our guest judge Carl Phillips will select the winner. He is professor of English at Washington University in St. Louis and has served as judge of the Yale Series of Younger Poets since 2010. His own books of poetry include Wild Is the Wind and and the recently released, Pale Colors in a Tall Field.

Our 2019 winner, Shadow Black, by Naima Tokunow and selected by Jericho Brown, will be released on May 3rd, 2020—stay tuned!

View our 2018 winner, How Often I Have Chosen Loveby Xiao Yue Shan.

Guidelines for submission:

  • Contest is open for international poets, but the poems must be in English.

    1. Manuscript should be 10-30 pages.

    2. Manuscript should be on the whole unpublished, although individual poems can be previously published.

    3. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us if the chapbook is accepted elsewhere.

    4. Multiple submissions are allowed, but each chapbook must be submitted individually.

    5. Do not include bio information in the manuscript itself.

    6. We will announce the winners in early August 2020.

    7. To view a list of the most commonly asked questions about submitting to us, please see our FAQ page.